engineering company
   The sys­tem of du­plex si­lent no­ti­fic­a­tion Traf­fiX-16 was de­signed for com­mu­nic­a­tion between the dir­ect­or�s as­sist­ant, the act­ors and the stage work­ers dur­ing per­form­ances and oth­er events re­quir­ing co­ordin­ated ac­tions of a group of people.

   Traf­fiX-16 con­tains one dir­ect­or�s con­trol con­sole and a set of sub­scriber device TL-2, con­nec­ted in­to the net­work. The sub­scriber devices have a 2-col­our light and a call­back but­ton. The dir­ect­or can sends his com­mands by turn­ing the lights. The com­mands can be united in­to pre­sets for sev­er­al sub­scriber devices and grouped by the show, act or scene.

Like any G-net set, Traf­fiX-16 can be con­trolled through Web by any num­ber of net­work devices. The browser al­lows to il­lus­trat­ively rep­res­ent the sys­tem on a plan of the hall, pro­gram the glob­al net­work para­met­ers, work states of the devices and con­trol pan­els, and cre­ate com­mand stages.
© Miclift 1989-2020