engineering company
Control console
   Con­trol con­sole al­lows for con­trolling winches from sev­er­al points of the net­work and, if needed, edit­ing para­met­ers and pre­sets. Both G-net and Eth­er­net sup­port sev­er­al sim­ul­tan­eously con­nec­ted con­trol pan­els with dif­fer­ent or com­mon ad­min­is­trat­ive rights.

   The con­sole in­cludes a graph­ic dis­play with all in­form­a­tion about the cur­rent net­work (and in­di­vidu­al device) status, typ­ing in­put field for para­met­ers spe­cific­a­tion and edit­ing, as well as dir­ect con­trol but­tons. Con­sole firm­ware can be up­graded.

   Beside the rack control panel made to be mounted in the director's console, we can supply a compact transportable panel. However in most cases it can be replaced with a tablet.
© Miclift 1989-2020