engineering company
Loudspeakers for acoustic system
   In 2012, the winches for the act­ive acous­tic sys­tem Stella by Meyer Sound were de­veloped and man­u­fac­tured. The Stella loud­speak­er was de­signed for form­ing an act­ive point in the vir­tu­al acous­tic space. Now this point can be mo­bile. For the first time in the world prac­tice the unique sys­tem of vir­tu­al acous­tics with vari­able geo­metry was in­stalled at the Svet­lan­ovsky hall of the Mo­scow In­ter­na­tion­al Hall of Mu­sic.
The acoustic system winch simultaneously operates the carrier steel cable and multichannel power and signal cable. The unique system of the pair-cables storage has a length compensation and is protected with our patent. The software gateway allows integration with external systems, such as D-Mitri, and creation of a virtual winch control panel.
Moscow International Music Dome
© Miclift 1989-2020